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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > DUEL TERMINAL -The Demon Roaring God Resurrection! - > Mist Valley Falcon

Mist Valley Falcon Used Deck

Mist Valley Falcon
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Effect Monster - 4 Winged Beast 2000 1200
Cannot declare an attack unless you return 1 card you control to the hand.
Average Rating Score 8.9(34)
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"Mist Valley Falcon" card reviews and rating scores

79% (27)
14% (5)
2% (1)
0% (0)
2% (1)

japan かどまん
2023/03/08 15:24
Yugioh Icon
A low class monster with unique effects even within Mist Valley.
Disadvantage Attacker, but its restrictions are loose, if he has even one Spell Trap
It is easy to operate because you only need to set it and put it back.
Since the Continuous Spell Trap can be returned and reused, it is used as the main force of the self-bounce deck that makes the most of this advantage.
Equip your opponent's monster with Big Bang Shot, which is an Equip Spell.
The combo that bounces it and removes the equipped monster is especially famous.
japan ねこーら
2022/10/15 20:42
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: Although an attack is required, the point which can aim at reuse by bounce is good.
You can return cards from your field to your hand, but it's a hindrance in that you need to attack.
Most of the cards are meant to be reused in the main phase, and with 2000 ATK, the number of opponents that can be destroyed in battle is limited.
If you're aiming for a beatdown that hits monsters that have been metamorphed into negates such as 《Fiendish Chain》, you can go far enough.
japan 長靴で吐いた猫
2020/02/02 23:00
Yugioh Icon
Disadvantages of ATK 2000 (?) Attacker. Monsters with effects that activate during summons and Special Summons, as well as his Spell/Trap cards that remain on the field after activation, can be recycled, so in many cases it now works to your advantage. Unlike those days, libido is unlimited.
japan シエスタ
2019/04/23 15:09
Yugioh Icon
He boasts 2,000 RBIs in the lower class, but he has to shave off his board ad to attack. But as already said, this effect is rather a big personality.
It has good compatibility with cards that remain in the field after activation, and by using it in conjunction with this effect, you can reuse it and earn ads.
However, in the current era, it is not uncommon for a low-level 2000 RBI card, and cards with higher RBI than before are coming out.
At the same time, the number of removal methods has increased, and the permanent system has become slow and easy to break.
I feel like I'm a little underpowered. The quality of the card to be used together will be required.
japan ソレイユ
2018/02/27 22:59
Yugioh Icon
A good-looking man with high ATK and a disadvantage that works as an advantage.
japan アキ
2018/02/26 14:11
Yugioh Icon
At level 4, his ATK 2000 or higher monsters have 0 defense or many demerit effects, but the demerit of this card is to bounce one card on your field, so you can reuse the card. . The strength of this card is that the disadvantages are working as advantages.
japan なす
2017/09/12 0:49
Yugioh Icon
A low-level attacker with 2000 points that can attack by bouncing your own cards.
While bouncing 《Fiendish Chain》, shielding swords, Field Spells, etc., you can defeat troublesome monsters such as 《Thunder King Rai-Oh》.
japan デルタアイズ
2016/08/05 1:35
Yugioh Icon
He's a good-looking guy who turns his disadvantages into advantages.
Level 4 WIND Winged Beast is also a strong factor.
japan あだ
2015/12/26 23:08
Yugioh Icon
Return the monkey keyboard every turn and Uma (although the effect cannot be activated twice on the first turn activated)
Throw more and more EM into your hand
japan メタルサイクロプス
2015/12/25 22:23
Yugioh Icon
Top-class strength among low-level attackers with disadvantages.
The disadvantage self-bounce can be varied in combos and can easily be turned into an advantage. Even without combos, you can still attack by flipping any of his spell cards face down. It's an advantage, not a disadvantage... There are so many cards that go well with each other, and depending on how you build it, it will become a very active low-level attacker. And RBI 2000 is strong. Blessed with racial attributes, the illustrations are also good. A very good low-level attacker.
japan wings
2015/07/01 8:12
Yugioh Icon
2000 attacker with disadvantages.
... but the demerit is almost not functioning as a demerit.
Although it is necessary to declare an attack, is it easy to understand if I say that I can bounce any card on my field?
The card to return is a resurrection card such as Livide to return a complete resurrection card, return a Field Spell or his Continuous Spell to reuse the effect, or return a card that has a disadvantage card to yourself to reduce the disadvantage. avoid or
Destroy your opponent's monsters with a Big Bang Shoot or a combo with 《Safe Zone》.
However, it is necessary to declare an attack, so be careful about that point.
japan サンダー・ボルト
2014/07/23 18:31
Yugioh Icon
It's excellent as a 2000 RBI attacker who can attack under loose conditions, but in the case of this card, it's best to take advantage of its demerit, the bounce effect. Collecting 《Call of the Haunted》and 《Fiendish Chain》left in the field for no reason is enough.
japan 赤白
2014/02/27 18:16
Yugioh Icon
What are the disadvantages? It is a card that can be said to be a representative of bounce control, and can be reused as libide or removed with 《Safe Zone》. You can bounce monsters at will, so the possibilities are endless, such as combining with monsters that can get an ad each time you summon them. On top of that, he has 2000 RBIs and is a high spec Winged Beast. He uses permanent cards, so if it's a deck, I definitely want to use him to counter 《Thunder King Rai-Oh》and maintain the battle line.
japan ファナナス
2013/02/07 14:57
Yugioh Icon
Looking at this card, you can feel the flow of the times. One piece like that. He's a demerit attacker with his ATK of 2000, but that demerit is really light, so it's not a demerit. Rather, it's strange because it even benefits when combined with Kamikaze, Big Bang Shoot, and Living Dead. It's a great attacker for self-bouncing, and even Kamikaze can become Raishinki by synchronizing with Birdman. really good card
japan 銀燕
2012/11/04 21:53
Yugioh Icon
This is not a disadvantage (sweat).
japan ハイ中武道
2012/10/13 0:36
Yugioh Icon
Just by looking at it, you can only see the disadvantages.
But if there is a big bang shoot, it's a devil's deed. Other combos also have quirks.
Bounces are scary because they are reusable.
japan hide1201
2012/07/01 21:17
Yugioh Icon
Handsome 2000 attacker with benefits
japan みかんゼリー
2012/06/29 17:03
Yugioh Icon
Winged Beast is an attacker who represents Winged Beast, and he is called by various decks such as Blackwing, Harpie, Mist Valley, etc.
He has 2,000 RBIs, so he's good at hitting normally, but he's famous for his combo of Bouncing with a Big Bang Shoot and 《Safe Zone》equipped to eliminate the opponent's monsters.
Of course, one of the strengths is that even if something happens, it will be the cost of Gottbird.
Even so, it's cool, Falcon.
japan 愛と正義の使者
2012/01/15 18:14
Yugioh Icon
2000 attacker with merit.
japan おんぼろ
2011/07/27 22:51
Yugioh Icon
There are three points for evaluating the strength of a personal card: "strength", "cheapness" and "convenience".
"Strength" is simply the firepower of the card itself. ATK and effect strength
"Cheap" means whether the cost matches the specs.
"Convenience" means whether the situations in which it can be used are limited.
Result: Seriously strong. And it's not even a balance breaker.
On top of that, he came with a handsome guy. What is this perfect bastard?
japan スクラップトリトドン
2010/11/15 21:15
Yugioh Icon
A threat attacker who tends to turn disadvantages into advantages. Times have changed...
Famously, when you hit an opponent with a big bang shoot, you can remove it, or return his set spell...
This kid is so strong that even Raijinki will go on a business trip because he can get it out if he puts in a level 3 tuner.
japan NEOS
2010/10/23 20:55
Yugioh Icon
There are disadvantages to returning your own cards.
However, there are many ways to use it.
Equip Spells, reuse of monster effects, and subsequent cost management of used cards, etc.
Is it okay to have such a versatile disadvantage?
japan とき
2010/10/22 0:02
Yugioh Icon
wow nice falcon...
Basically, it's a demerit attacker who can't attack unless you return your card to your hand, but this condition hardly works as a demerit. Although it has its peculiarities, returning cards to the hand causes numerous combos. Still, he's a low-level 2000 card called Winged Beast, and his card power is simply amazing.
In particular, it can be used in combination with cards that have the advantage of self-bouncing, such as Livide and Demoche, or as an engine for bouncing other cards in the Kamikaze Deck.
WIND It's a Prospec card with the highest level of ability among the lower grades, but recently the concept of a lower grade attacker seems to be collapsing, and it can't be denied that it's one step behind in attacking. It hurts that kamikaze is restricted.
japan フッキー
2010/08/04 1:09
Yugioh Icon
Handsome and strong. what the hell.
The number of cards that can be cut with this card and combo is innumerable.
After all, the combo with Big Bang Shoot is a wonderful removal.
japan ブルーバード
2023/12/05 9:06
Yugioh Icon
japan 惑星調査隊
2023/12/04 11:29
Yugioh Icon
japan 2016/02/28 18:15
A self-bouncing mainstay, he's versatile enough to work in other decks of his.
The advantages that come to mind are:
・ Since it has ATK 2000, 《Thunder King Rai-Oh》etc. can be destroyed by battle.
・You can earn ads by using 《Powerful Rebirth》and 《Fiendish Chain》.
・Because it is a permanent effect, 《Solemn Strike》, 《Solemn Scolding》, Divine Punishment, etc. do not work.
・ Since it is a Winged Beast, 《Icarus Attack》can be used.
・It can be used as Synchro Materials for Raishinki and Xyz Materials for Sylphine and Chidori.
japan 2014/08/30 16:23
If you use it normally, it's a disadvantage, but if you build it to use permanence, it's an overwhelming advantage.
japan 2014/08/30 15:53
Great performance at 《Convulsion of Nature
One-turn three-draw with sentence recovery
Demoche gets in the way of the other party with a cheap recovery
low rating ks fuck
japan 2014/08/30 10:02
Oh, the idiot who says it can be used here and gives 1 point!
Don't lower the average rating of this card!
japan 2014/08/30 1:12
Slightly limited, but permanent recovery is still strong
It's pretty painful if libido is reused
Highly likely to rot, but convenient if used well
japan 2013/09/05 2:01
This guy "Early burial? Permanently banned!"
japan 2011/12/12 16:49
japan 2010/08/28 15:29
A well-illustrated Mist Valley card.
His ATK is high among low-level monsters, and his ATK is enough to defeat 《Thunder King Rai-Oh》.
Since it's a Winged Beast, you can use 《Icarus Attack》.
Powerful combos that use permanent effects, such as reusing Demon's Chain.
One of the few non-tuners in Mist Valley, it becomes a synchro material for Raishinki.

Decks with "Mist Valley Falcon"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
DUEL TERMINAL -The Demon Roaring God Resurrection! - DT04-JP028 2008-12-01 Normal
Structure Deck - DRAGONITY DRIVE SD19-JP012 2010-06-19 Normal

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 1,873 / 12,891 Cards
View Num 100,773
Type "Winged Beast" Type Best Monster Ranking 60th


Japanese card name 霞の谷のファルコン

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